Friday, May 21, 2010

Everybody Likes a Good Carnival

One of my fondest memories from childhood has always been the one night a year when the elementary school I attended was transformed from a plain old institute of learning into something amazing. Colorful streamers, game booths, snacks, and small kiddie rides filled the amphitheater and lined the hallways. Children (and adults too) ran through seas of people, excited and giddy. Music thundered over the loudspeakers. As the sun began to set, cake walks and raffles were completed, and nearly everyone went home with a goodie of some sort.

The school carnival was always a night of magic.

I held hands with a boy for the first time at the school carnival when I was 9 years old.
I sang "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" in the karaoke contest at the carnival when I was 12.
I ditched my sisters to go hang out with my girlfriends behind the bleachers my last year there...
So many memories.

As I looked back on those joyful times this week, I was inspired. The bright, shining lights of the carnival and the ever-present jubilant feeling I remember made me think of bright colors and whispy summer flowers. "Carnival", my newest digital paper pack, was born.
I hope you'll enjoy "Carnival" as much as I do!

On sale now at ShellinaScrap on Etsy!

Happy Scrapping,


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